Want to enhance your sleep quality with Tarushi Coolnight Tab in Gujarat? Our premium Coolnight Tabs offer a natural solution for a peaceful night’s sleep. Experience the relaxing effects of Tarushi Coolnight Tab and improve your sleep routine. Explore our Tarushi Coolnight Tab and choose the right product for your needs. Order now and experience the joy of restful sleep with Tarushi Coolnight Tab.
1) Benefits
- Fall asleep faster
- Improve sleep duration
- Regulate sleep cycle
- Non habituated
- Does not alter normal brain function
- Helps to promote calm and relaxed state of mind
Indicated in
- Insomnia
- Restlessness
- Mental fatigue & Headache
- Mood swing
- Irritation
- Anxiety and stress
2) Product Detail
- Coolnight tablet is the non addictive and 100% natural formulation that is highly beneficial in insomnia, restlessness & irritation.
- It is specially designed natural and safe sleep aid for night of deep sound sleep because it reduce anxiety, pain, depression and mood disorder
- It contains natural Sedative herbs that helps to tranquilize and relax the patient naturally and enhance the deep sleep stage
- Jatamansi promotes relaxation and deep sleep, Tagar helps to fall asleep faster,
- Ashwagandha helps to treat anxiety, stress and depression thereby helping the person to calm down before sleep
- Sarpagandha lowers mental stress, nervousness and panic attacks that provide soothing effect to the brain for peaceful sleep.
- Coolnight Tablet provides quicker, deeper and more restful sleep so that you wake up in morning with more energy and freshness
3) Key Ingredients
- Jatamansi
- Tagar
- Sarpagandha
- Ashwagandha
4) Direction of use
1-2 Tablets to be taken at bed time or as directed by Doctor
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